How do I increase my ‘Confidence’ as a team coach?
What do we mean by confidence? Where does the word come from? The prefix con, in Latin means ‘with’ or ‘connected to’. Fidence, also comes from the Latin, and is connected to ‘fides’ which can mean either’ to have trust in,’ or ‘to have faith that’.
Let the wider ecology do the coaching
Having taken part in many coaching conferences, webinars, podcasts and courses on ecological and climate conscious coaching, I am struck by how often the focus gets trapped in exploring how we can focus on the ecology or climate in coaching – what questions to ask, how to raise the issue, how to address it? The ecology becomes an ‘it’, a problem to be addressed, an agenda item, another global challenge we must address, and we end up feeling overwhelmed.
We are all in this together: Coronavirus, climate change, collaboration and consciousness change
One of the many lessons that Corona virus has brought in its wake, is our health and well-being is dependent on what others do. Our health is not our own. If others come too close and cough, without realising they are carrying the virus, we will very likely become infected. If they spread the infection to others, there may be a shortage of hospital beds to treat us for a different illness.
We need to move beyond ‘High Performing Teams’
I need to start by apologizing. For many years I have written about the importance of high performing teams, created models of them and written and taught about how to lead, coach, and develop them (Hawkins 2011, 2014, 2017, 2018) . Over the last two years I have woken up to how, like nearly all writers about teams and team coaching, I was caught in what is an out-dated paradigm. I now believe that the term is not only beyond its sell by date but is problematic and leading team development and team coaching in the wrong direction.